Welcome to Magushi Colour Consultancy

Have you ever experienced the disappointment of buying clothes just because you liked the colour, only to realise later that it doesn’t suit you? It can be so frustrating, wasting money on clothes that don’t do you justice! It’s too easy to fall into the trap of thinking that certain colours are not meant for you or that only a lucky few can afford a personal stylist. But that’s not true! With the power of -colour analysis, you can unlock a whole new level of style, confidence and self-expression – and I’m excited to show you how it works.

I am now taking bookings for personal colour consultations from JUNE 2024. I work in Devon, Ivybridge, easily accessible for anyone in South Hams and Plymouth.

After the session, you get Pdf with all the information gathered during our session which will include your best and worse colours, tips on jewellery, make up and hair colour advice. Colour fan (digital or print) is available as extra to give you opportunity to choose what best suits your needs.

Consultation £95 (Up to 2h)

Colour Fan £30

Digital Colour Fan £15

What to expect

What is colour analysis? 

Colour analysis has become something of a sensation. It is the process of determining your natural skin undertone by analysing the melanin, carotenoids, and haemoglobin in your skin. To help people find colours that complement them. Don’t worry – it’s not invasive! In a colour analysis session, you’ll find out which colours complement your skin tone best.It’s why some celebrities stick to signature colours – they know what works! 

But, why should you choose colour analysis? It’s simple – you’ll save time and money by only investing in clothes that you’ll actually wear. Plus, you’ll feel amazing knowing which colours bring out the best in you! 

The consultation 

You might be surprised by the colours that look best on you, and I know first-hand how wearing colours in new ways can initially feel daunting! So, during the consultation, we’ll explore your best colour palette. After the session, you can purchase a handy colour swatch fan for reference when you’re out shopping (print or digital version) to ensure you’ll never have to guess which colours suit you again! 

During the consultation, I’ll determine whether pure, vivid colours or soft, muted shades are most flattering for you by draping a gorgeous array of coloured fabric drapes. I will guide you through my process and observations, pointing out which colours make your features look most striking. I’ll also provide a PDF file of all the information gathered during our session. 

Does my hair colour affect my colour palette? 

A little, since your undertone and natural hair colour are linked genetically. If you dye your hair, your underlying palette remains the same. You might find that some shades are more flattering depending on the colour of your hair. But – as a gift that keeps on giving – knowing your colour palette can also help you select your best hair colour. If you embrace your natural silver hair as you get older, you may also notice some subtle shifts within your colour palette. 

Surely my tan changes my palette? 

Surprisingly – no! Your skin’s undertone remains constant throughout your life (it’s determined by your genetics). Tans don’t change the undertone of your skin. Sometimes, it will allow you to wear more saturated colours. Similarly, over winter, or as we age, our skin may become a little paler or translucent, meaning that more understated colours work best for us.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop wasting money on clothes in colours that leave you feeling drab and grey. Book your session with me today and let’s get you feeling confident and fabulous in your perfect colours! I offer a friendly in-person colour analysis that takes up to 2 hours in my studio in Ivybridge. Seize this opportunity to transform your wardrobe today. Tomorrow, you can step out feeling confident and gorgeous – just as you should.